Good news comes to those who wait…. sometimes

I got my placement too! Mine is in my secondary teaching area but hopefully I will be able to teach some HPE as well. I have emailed my mentor twice with no response yet :/ If this goes on much longer I might have to call the uni because I have no idea what I am teaching! Clearly I am not the only one in this situation so hopefully they both reply soon Jacob


Hey guys

So I have some good news, I have given a placement for prac. I think the prac lady was more relieved than I was to know that I will be able to given the opportunity to pass my degree. This is quite good news and the school in only approximately 20kms away so not too far and its going to be HPE for the majority so that is even better news. Now lets hope the site coordinator replies today so we can arrange a meeting so I have a rough idea on the content I will be teaching. I hope you all are bit more familiar with the school, mentor and content than I am at the moment. Quite glad that we don’t have to blog during our prac. Anyways, good luck everyone with their prac and no doubt most of you will blog about it when you…

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